Perhaps this person is simply giving thanks, or maybe this individual is trying to get something out of the exchange, like a promotion at work, or a piece of exotic furniture of some kind. These videos have lots of good nuggets in them, thanks for making and sharing them. The haze of atmosphere through which you saw the moon as you looked across the surface of the planet is moving out of the line of sight. The moon appears to rise and become whiter because you’re seeing it through less and less atmosphere. ------------------------------------------, "A God That Could Be Real: Spirituality, Science, and the Future of Our Planet". We’re truly participating in our universe when we come to feel in our bones that we are part of the story, thoroughly integrated into the big picture. The Universe itself as we currently know it… If we are in a universe now known to span more than sixty orders of magnitude, and God is emerging from the infinite interactions of human aspirations, we have to look at everything anew. It was in many cultures a night of power. I feel that I have a very close relationship with the total power of the universe, that we give the name God, because we don’t know what else to call it. The @WordOnFire Bible is stunning and remarkable for many reasons, but the art theory addendums to Gospel passages might be one of my favorite elements. Hold On, It’s Just a Family. What matters is to be alive. Let time pass. We can reach a lot further now. Sending prayers into the universe every day and night can help to broadcast your thoughts and emotions. I promise to lead a good Christian life … This is why he commands us to love (because love is really good for us), and this is why he provided revelation on who to love and how to do it. If we want to know how to talk to God, or how God might talk to us, we need to train our minds to live in the same universe as God. All rights reserved. We no longer live in an intuitive universe, but most of our words still refer to earthly experiences and, unless we unchain them as metaphors, these metaphors mislead us to think that they accurately reflect reality. He recently authored the text “But Don't All Religions Lead to God?”, Navigating the Multi-Faith Maze(Baker Book House, 2002). Prayers vs. Spells . It is said that the Surya Lord coordinates the various functions in the Universe through his single divine will. The religion shows deep respect for all elements of Earth and projects the Universe as an assortment of divine entities, and not hostile features to be conquered or dominated. Only when we recognize that it belongs to us, not to any religion, will we realize that we could put it to much better use. It makes you more and more like a God. It turns out all humans have a tool that will let us do this. Many believe that science and religion can’t coexist, but when you truly examine all aspects of science, there is irrefutable evidence of God’s existence everywhere. Doing so can be prayer. But whatever the circumstance may be—and perhaps this person has even been you, at times—there is something very important to consider before praying to the universe. Subscribe to Prayers to the Universe. The topic of religion didn't come up for Adams and Hall until they had off-camera time during the fantasy suite date late in the season. The point is this: if you happen to be praying to the universe, please understand you would do just as well to pray to a toaster or a hard-boiled egg, or even a lava lamp. The effects of praying to god, to the universe… We are simply looking at very hot balls of gas. But with a little imagination, it’s easy. Pantheistic origins. The god-capacity has been used historically for great good and great ill, and it’s still capable of both. Prayers are said facing Mecca, at … Equating God with the universe is not a new idea, of course. They truly breathe the beauty and agony of The Church, the faith, and the life of Christ, back into daily worship. 15/20. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new … It’s not one of any particular denomination. Hasn’t that paid off? This kind of training could be a great leap not just for consciousness but also for conscience, because the God emerging from humanity speaks for humanity, not for my political party or your country. Associated Press articles: Copyright © 2016 The Associated Press. We’ve all said at one time or another, “Anything is possible!” but people who truly believe it are most likely to imagine fantasies and miss most of reality. And yet it is also a prayer—to align ourselves with the universe so that each of us can experience who we are. I renew my baptismal promises renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps. When you fill your mind with the thoughts of gods in prayers, you manifest them in your consciousness, and their qualities and virtues begin to strengthen in you. As a designation it is used within Freemasonry to represent the deity neutrally (in whatever form, and by whatever name each member may individually believe in). Just as the horizon on your right rises to meet the sun, turn your head all the way left. A popular conception of prayer is that if we have faith in God, pray diligently and if the cause we are praying for is a righteous one (like the health of another person), then God will intervene in a supernatural way to make our wish come true. We have the power to change our images of God without losing God. In this book, Dr. Green writes: Green says that no other spiritual leader or teacher but Jesus Christ… 1. It takes a little extra effort to visualize, true, but it’s like the effort we all expended learning to read. The galaxy is merely our local geography. And there lies the problem: it’s not that they hear God speak but that they work so hard to hear only from a biblical God. Religions offer up symbols and images bounteously, but a capacity is something that belongs to us as humans, not as members of any religion. We can’t simply ignore this when we think about God. But instead of answering that question with “no,” I thought of another way to arrive at the same point by saying, “Yes, all religions do pray to the same God.” This a true statement because there is no other God to hear our prayers, save the God of the Bible. At this moment in history, what is the highest and best use of our god-capacity? What almost everyone wants is to participate fully in a meaningful universe. Using your disciplined imagination, don’t be satisfied with seeing a glowing whitish streak across the dome of the sky, the way the ancients did (that’s why they called it the Royal Road, the Milky Way, the heavenly Nile). Shouldn’t we want that symbol to represent the highest truth we know? It’s the same with participating in our universe: we’re smaller and more fearful if we don’t know where we are and can’t feel that we fit in. You are just a part of the earth. Happy to get this cool new book from @WordOnFire for my kids! Prayers for Divine Presence While various religions invoke different names for the ultimate reality and conceptualize it in numerous ways, all traditions express in similar ways a sense of wonderment in the face of mystery. Here is the appropriate recourse: understand that we are under a moral obligation to love God—not supernovas, not shooting stars. Happy Earth Day! A prayer is a request. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge. He is currently Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, England. There is a whole universe to re-envision, large and small, outside and inside ourselves. Look through the Milky Way into its third dimension. I don’t view him as a vengeful one, as the Catholics tend to. Size is a key to the universe. The "standing [prayer]", also known as the Shemoneh Esreh ("The Eighteen"), consisting of 19 strophes on weekdays and seven on Sabbath days and 9 on Rosh haShana Mussaf. That is the reality we should be praying at. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who sanctified us with His commandments, and hoped for us, and with love and intent invested us with His sacred Sabbath, as a memorial to the deed of Creation. If we meditate on how the universe works as if we actually believed it, that would be a prayer to reality, and reality is the parent of God and everything else. Many people do indeed believe in the objective reality of their fantasies, and doing so can be wildly dangerous in this world, but trashing our god-capacity because some people do this is like trashing love because sometimes it goes wrong. Are you watching a gorgeous sunset? Prayer—be it chanting, reciting ancient texts, or simply creating a dialogue between you and Source—allows you to start your day with focus. It’s often said that prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening for the answer. But let us put all this philosophy aside, and look at the matter simply. It takes a lot of imagination to see cosmic reality. Excerpted from "A God That Could Be Real: Spirituality, Science, and the Future of Our Planet" by Nancy Ellen Abrams (Beacon Press, 2015). Most Christians embrace scientific discoveries but in ways that differ according to Christian denomination. Evangelicals have something incredibly important to teach the rest of us, because if it’s possible to train the mind to experience what is not there, then surely it is possible to train the mind to experience what is there. Why admit we’ve been reading Deepak Chopra again instead of the Bible? We want to see her milk life for all it’s worth. So far hardly anybody has accurate concepts for grasping the spiritual meaning of what lies beyond Midgard. @HollyOrdway @WordOnFire I’m four pages in and already hooked! But the mind training they do could be tremendously valuable and admirable if it were aimed at a different metaphor. With no time dimension you’re like a computer with hormones. You’re listening to the latest music, wanting the coolest products, and taking as reality the latest media reports of the world outside your room. St. Josephine Bakhita: Light in a Needful World, “Break Fast” and the Resurrection of the Body, “Christ for You”: Flame Unpacks His New EP on the Lutheran Belief in the Real Presence, “Culture Warrior” and the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness, Bl. We might say a person offering prayers to the universe is suffering from a simple (though severe) ontological confusion. Feel your patch of Earth turning away from the sun, heading into night. In an interview filmed in the early 1950s Jung was asked bluntly, “Do you believe God exists?” Earlier Jung had written that all people need ideas and convictions that can give meaning to their lives and help them find their “place in the universe” (his phrase). Pantheistic origins. Copyright © 2021, LLC. It’s like you just knew.” For this, in part, I believe we have people like Oprah Winfrey to thank. Sometimes, when our prayers seem to be unanswered in the manner we think they should, we may feel that we are not in tune with the timeless, unlimited universal creator called God. In fact, there seems to have been a point when the universe did not exist, but suddenly came to be. How can we step outside images of God that are many centuries deep and realize that those are only images and not reality? Our god-capacity. That’s why we like strong bad characters better than weak good ones. I thought I could “pray the gay away.” Then, when I was 25, I met my first boyfriend and fell in love. Feel your patch of ground moving slowly toward the moon. You’re not your family background, your personal history, the work you’ve done, your hopes for the future. 3 Daily Prayers for the Spiritual but not Religious October 17, 2018 Tom Rapsas Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! God fits into this very pattern by emerging. It’s probably easier, because there’s no need to struggle against the evidence. They train their minds to interpret signs and feelings as communications from God and to think of God as a person who loves and speaks to them. It is the essential component of Jewish services, and is the only service that the Talmud calls prayer. This can be called awareness of 'the Unknowable' and worship of the Unknowable is capable of being a positive faith which could substitute for conventional religion. I don’t view him as a vengeful one, as the Catholics tend to. How can size scales alone control such great mysteries? These prayers offer help for courage, grief, discomfort, healing, perseverance, love, and much more. It's where you go directly to the Universe, the Goddess, Allah, Yahweh, Herne, Apollo, or whoever you may be hoping will help out, and you ask them point blank, "Please help me with _____." They learn to identify some thoughts as God’s voice, some images as God’s suggestions, some sensations as God’s touch or the response to his nearness. I have seen very dedicated and thoughtful Christians—usually younger, but some of them older—offering prayers and reflections to the stars. Well, size is not just a number—size determines cosmic identity. Reprinted with permission from Beacon Press. It’s often said that prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening for the answer. If we draw on our god-capacity to absorb and resonate with this idea of an emerging God, we’ll discover that praying can be powerful. Also, scientists can be saints too. Lord, help us to maintain a reverent attitude towards nature, threatened from all sides today, in such a way that we may restore it completely to the condition of brother/sister and to its role of usefulness to all humankind for the glory of … When we pray as a way of unearthing or strengthening our own aspirations, we’re participating in one of the most creative acts a person can do: conjuring up the best in ourselves, sometimes better bests than we ever consciously thought possible. Sometimes I take the pantheistic approach of praying to the universe, focusing on sending healing thoughts out to the world, particularly others who are suffering. Can you imagine how much smaller and more fearful your existence would be if you could not read? It doesn’t matter who you pray to these prayers are universal and deeply restorative for the soul. This is all you know. This is what we need to do, given the knowledge now available, the needs we have, and the state of our world. More Than Knowing: Participating in the Universe. In fact, in this universe the size or complexity level of a thing or event determines not only its nature but which world it’s operating in and which physical laws control that world. Now imagine that you look into the mirror again, but instantly you see through the momentary you of today back to the you of years ago, to the child you once were, then the toddler. It’s like a stethoscope: there’s no magic in it—it focuses us and frees our consciousness of distractions. There is a God that’s closer to every one of us than the air we breathe and more powerful than the zeitgeist in which our lives are planted. Tonight is the night of the full moon, when sun and moon are in perfect balance. Imagine you are lying on your back in the soft grass late on a warm spring afternoon, your feet toward the south, looking up at the sky. And I feel that it’s very important to maintain that connection to the universe, to the total power. But all these worlds exist all the time. Not to live by half-measures. Like any capacity, the god-capacity needs to be exercised or lost—and is crying out to be exercised as new knowledge comes in and new generations face a changing world. A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. …ever claimed t… . It occasionally is discovered that a person has been offering prayers to the universe. You are the side of the planet traveling into night. In fact, one of the greatest experiences of life is to flow in both directions along the uroboros as far as possible but to love our special nook in the expanding universe. It’s always been a reaching-out to whatever larger reality people believed or hoped existed. These nature prayers are just a sampling of the many religious texts, poems and parables that honor Mother Earth. That very night I decided to stop praying. Several years ago, the founder of IHOP, Mike Bickle, created a list of seven ways to recognize the difference between a religious community and a … It doesn’t require any particular view of God. “Dear Universe, thank you for giving me Robert. Dom Justo Takayama, Samurai and Martyr, Anna the Prophetess, and the Temple Spark, Pre-Evangelization: Prepping the World for Faith like Benedict XVI, Bishop Barron Visits Annapolis – Catholicism and Just War Theory, Hank Aaron: Gentleman, Activist, Catholic, Called into the Depths: Bishop Barron’s Address to the United States Naval Academy, St. Thomas Aquinas and Our Dialogue with Modern Science, ”Bourbon, Bluegrass, & the Bible”: The Hillbilly Thomists Hit Nashville, Bishop Barron Visits Annapolis – A Tour of the State House. I highly recommend @WordOnFire for inspiring talk and reflection. Unlike Christianity, whose founder eradicated the necessity of location for religious experience, Islam is a very placed religion. After all, that’s us in there playing them. That can be true, of course, but it’s not the only way. These are modern people with doubts like anyone else about whether God could actually be standing next to them, but their overwhelming desire to feel a spiritual connection sidelines these doubts. In the UK, and even more so in the USA, the … But she also recommended spiritual beliefs that help make sense of the universe: It’s very important. Predominantly this: The universe isn’t God. How can what’s essentially a number have the most profound of spiritual impacts? It’s time to crack open the whole idea of talking to God. Because God, if God is anything at all, is surely that which is noncontingent and necessary; that which offers being to all other things that exist (including the universe), and receives none of it himself. Now, whether or not we are willing to think about God philosophically, we should (at a bare minimum) be willing to hear God’s word and have it explained to us; we should be willing to go to Church and worship he who is rightfully deserving of praise. (Emphasis is mine.). 4. They reinforce this picture of reality with the kind of language they use every time they talk to each other. Public atheists like Richard Dawkins and others assume that unless a supernatural God is out there, ready and willing to answer prayers, there is no point in praying, and since such a God does not exist, praying is self-delusion. God could not have existed any other way, and he could not have not existed, period. Writer, entrepreneur, and “re-converted” Catholic, Pat Flynn focuses his efforts on helping others find happiness and wholeness through fitness, philosophy, and religion. We can use our god-capacity to experience the miracle of our own universe up close and to hear it speak to us through the God that is emerging from the collective. You could just enjoy the pretty scene, or you could use its dynamic beauty as a visceral reminder of where we are: we’re immersed in Earth’s transparent atmosphere, which is as thin as the skin on an apple, yet it’s thick enough as we look sideways through it to redden the light of the sun. There’s a vast difference between spirituality and religion. To be it. There you see on the eastern horizon the moon, huge and orange, appearing at precisely the moment of sunset. The goes for everything else on this list. In tuning our ordinary consciousness in to those higher levels that we may have scarcely ever visited before, we approach God. However, your prayers may not be heard by angels or Bodhisattvas who are closer to you and are directly answering those prayers for God. The Universe Sends Help is for ALL people of ALL faiths. Here are a couple of the prayers that I use on a regular basis. As the day is ending, slowly turn your head to the right and look west toward the reddening sun. You have nowhere to go. This is not because God needs us to love him, but because God knows what is good for us and has our better interests in mind. We’ve already begun to do this intellectually, but can we do it emotionally? It’s very important. I feel that I have a very close relationship with the total power of the universe, that we give the name God, because we don’t know what else to call it. When gazing at the stars, we are surely witnessing a portrait of divine origins—a portrait that testifies absolutely to the artistic genius of its Creator—but we are not witnessing that Creator directly. All that has been created has been made for You. We might say a person offering prayers to the universe is suffering from a simple (though severe) ontological confusion. He is the author of four books and host of the podcast The Pat Flynn Show, where he teaches listeners about Generalism, that is being good to great at many things, rather than the best at just one, and combining those talents in a unique stack to better themselves and the world. Asking for help once might get you the help you need. There’s nothing like the feeling of fitting smoothly into reality to soothe the torn parts and create peace of mind. You have traveled into night with your planet. As humans on planet Earth we don’t get to choose what reality is, but we get to discover it and, if we’re very lucky, participate fully in it. Pantheism is a basic concept in various Eastern religions and other philosophical systems, and has made inroads in popular Western thought over the past few decades. In a relatively short time, then, the universe has become the Hollywood stand-in for God. Dr. Michael Green is an internationally respected author, speaker and scholar. The purpose of any prayer in Hinduism is to express your gratitude to the gods, make mental offerings to them, and keep your mind filled with divine thoughts. Anyone who has ever written or avidly read fiction knows this. Keep up With Consistent Prayers. We too can seek to participate in the real universe and try to imagine in our own expanding consciousness what the emerging God might say, if it could speak. Scientific theories like quantum mechanics, chaos theory and evolution teach us that not only is the world unpredictable but the inherent chance and probability within the universe is necessary to its creative process. Suddenly everything will shift and you’ll realize you’re seeing an immense spiral galaxy edge-on—and you are inside the disk. This feeling has to be constantly reinforced and strengthened. It always feels like an adult conversation. What if we directed toward the real universe and the emerging God even a fraction of the effort that millions of religious people make every day to experience the presence of their image of God? I always wanted a hamster. They are your wings to the worlds of gods. Their messages sound like thoughts, but in some deep sense they actually are messages, because they come from outside our normal culture-stunted state of mind. Prayer can be something creative and wonderful. Spread out your arms and legs and feel the earth below you. We’ve inherited our notions of the universe from people whose idea of beyond started just a few miles from home and whose God was a lord or king or father. Praying is the first step. Prayers awaken your divinity and improve your karma. The Power of the Great Phoenix and Universe From: This is an extremely powerful prayer for anyone who truly believes in the powers of the Universe. Because that reality is God. It is what it is. We have learned from the evangelicals in Luhrmann’s study that if we are motivated enough, it’s possible to train our minds to experience whatever we believe is real. The problem here identified seems to be one not just of the spiritual-fast-food crowd, which you might find eyeballing ingredient labels at Trader Joe’s or wearing empath protection necklaces, but even among the wholly unambiguous, meatloaf-and-ketchup-loving, blue-collar religious grandparent who has simply and somehow picked up the wrong signals about who exactly is holding together this-here cosmic enterprise. The universe is contingent, remember: it exists, but it doesn’t have to exist, and it could have existed some other way. The Great Architect of the Universe (also Grand Architect of the Universe or Supreme Architect of the Universe) is a conception of God discussed by many Christian theologians and apologists. The very (admittedly fantastic) observation that a nonnecessary universe exists means, a priori, there must be some noncontingent foundation to explain it: A reality that is is uncreated, unconditioned, uncaused; a foundation that is eternal and perfect and supreme. From the prayers of praise and thanksgiving, we return now to the prayers of request—but not the request for things. When we start to think from humanity’s point of view, we can’t put our private interests first. Pantheism is a basic concept in various Eastern religions and other philosophical systems, and has made inroads in popular Western thought over the past few decades. Let your consciousness fly backward through time at lightning speed, illuminating your identity down past your parents and grandparents, past the countless generations before them, your ancestors roaming from continent to continent, your primate ancestors, down through all the animals that preceded them, back through the earliest life, into the first living cell, then plunging down into the complex chemicals that made it possible, down into the molten planet and the forming solar system, back to the birth of your carbon and oxygen and iron atoms in a thousand different stars exploding across the galaxy, back through the evolution of the visible galaxy itself deep inside a giant halo of dark matter, back through the universal expansion to the creation of your elementary particles—that you are made of at this very moment—in the Big Bang. It seems smaller but only because it is no longer near the horizon and your mind no longer compares it with familiar objects in the earthly landscape. Archangel Metatron, the angel of life, I thank God for making you so diligent about observing and recording what happens throughout the universe in God's Book of Life (the Akashic Records). When I was in college I studied all of the World’s religions in great detail and fell in love with aspects of all of them. Let Earth carry you around until the last glow of sunlight disappears and stops masking the stars. Refreshing! To ensure that angels hear your voice, though, be consistent. (add any others you wish to give praise to) Since praying is considered a form of meditation, I am curious about the actual benefits that one can get out of it and if there are atheists who also practice it. One attempt at this kind of prayer won’t change you but practicing will. The universe is contingent, remember: it exists, but it doesn’t have to exist, and it could have existed some other way. People who have experienced a spiritual connection, or who have seen enough examples around them to know that it can be experienced, are sometimes willing to pay a heavy price to get it. The effects of praying to god, to the universe, or to whatever. I give praise to the universe I give praise to mother earth I give praise to all of nature and its beings I give praise to all my guiding spirits I give praise to my ancestors I give praise to all that came before me in this struggle I give praise to my elders I give praise to all those who have cared for me, protected me, guided me and loved me I give praise to…. To ensure that angels hear your voice, though, be consistent they truly breathe beauty! Works and pomps Oxford University, England from @ WordOnFire for inspiring and. A point when the universe is suffering from a simple ( though severe praying to the universe religion confusion... View him as a vengeful one, as the horizon on your right rises to the... 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