Hello Gina, Never tried to apply for Norway. Do you think they will grant me visa this time provided that I attached the contract to sell of the house I purchased last June 2014, and a letter of assurance from my company. Sorry to hear that another applicant is rejected with her application. looking forward for your reply soon so things might be clearer, hopefully. Flight reservation. Applicant should also attach his/her photocopy of valid ID (latest ID with photo and signature). I hope you can find another solution to pursue this trip. I applied for a visitor German visa twice and got denied twice too (parang double dead po. Hello Asif. Seems that every German Embassy has varied rules, depending on the country where it is so it might be helpful to check also some articles or forums discussing about it in Dhaka. However, if you wish to file an appeal against the decision, you can do My already furnish an affiddavit of support stating that she will be financing my trip and I enclosed that with my previous application. Anyway, it’s just enough for my visit so I’m just thankful for their reconsideration^_^ I need your advice Miss Jessica.. Is it subject for renewal of you will need to return here. x. Hehe. Are you employed? Hello Mish, normally, the interviewer will just ask you to give the approved leave of absence the next day as this is one of the basic requirements. Haha. Then they will also need to file taxes that apply to single proprietorship. That’s great. they grant my visa na! the decision of the visa officer is final. I applied for schengen visa to Germany to visit my friend and go to attractive places in Germany on 1 April 2016 but got refual. Normally, the Embassy sends mail, acknowledging the receipt of your appeal. So, I have a a question for you: Did you German friend supply you with the Formal Obligation when you applied the first time? The visa interview will be conducted in German if your study program is in German. Time for the Embassy to change that perception and assumption. Additional content. Guide on How to get AUSTRALIA Tourist Visa Thank you for making this article. HAHAHA) for the same reason, #9. AMIT. That lady telling we have received your file from VFS global Chennai and visa officer requires your passport, so kindly submit your passport through VFS Global Chennai. No. They might have a different process or format for it. or I will have it notarized by a lawyer here? Good luck! Thank you so much We are giving you therefore, the Very excited for your trip, Aimee! Based on my readings, most people opted for a tourist visa without any sponsor and it turned out good, as long as you proved your financial capacity. Better submit papers which give direct meaning so it avoids complications and long explanations to the Embassy. Whats itv means.. Will, How is it? You are definitely lucky, Anca. Thank you for spending time in reading my article. Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all! hahaha I have all the docus, COE (includes the duration of my granted leave and how long Ive been working), payslip, invitation letter from my sister, UDI grant from police in Norway, Reserved ticket, travel insurance too! I actually submitted a certification from our university but still it wasn’t enough. Sometimes, depending on every applicant’s case, to re-apply is not the best, immediate solution once you got rejected. . hehe. Thank you in advance for responding. I am going to file for a Remonstrance. She is going in person to the embassy today to try to find out if about her appeal. I also submitted the printed copy of our e-mail conversation as well as the our photos together with my sponsor. Your article is a good read. I really want to send an email for update but I don’t know how and what to say to avoid nega vibes to them haha! but i rejected with 2 un logical reasons ( 8: your purpose of stay was not substantiated… 9: intention to leave the territory could not be assured…) . I didn’t know that they also give less than 6 months schengen visa ‘coz I thought 6 months was the minimum duration they would give, if approved. My friend will be going to VAC on Sunday (start of the working week here in Saudi) for her personal application in another country, and so I asked her to be my authorized representative and submit/collect my passport. Good luck! Another thing, I have managed to get my invitation letter to the conference taking place in San Francisco (same on I was in Berlin for) in which I will be representing my company in mid October. IMPORTANT: Do not ever do what I did. :)). Please check it at the embassy’s site. And can you present an evidence that you have submitted those documents to them? I got a refusal letter for my tourist visa and reason 8 and 9 are ticked which is a bit confusing since I showed them papers that I will be studying there in september and just wanted to visit as a tourist first. My question is: Should we book a new language course that is less than 3 months to make sure they won’t doubt my return to the Philippines? I got the visa today, a multiple one as well! Interesting point! She took an appeal letter in German with all new documentation and we belive they will reverse the denial. Please help! Haha! Should I clarify it to the embassy? Currently I resigned to my job 2 days before my interview last Jan. 11 because the account manager didn’t allow me to have a leave of more than 2weeks, and I plan to go to Germany for 6weeks and will stay in my fiance’s place. The same story of rejection but I have not prepared the letter and documents yet.. how can i prepare the papers for my daughter and sister who are single. If yes u should have formal obligation letter from ur sponsor. 1-Signed letter of the applicants employer, stating name, position, salary, duration of employment, address and contact numbers of the employer, purpose and duration of stay in the Schengen States. Yes, this would be my first time to apply for a visa. I really dont have Job or bussiness here in Phil. Your blog is really helpful . Jessica, I would like to file a remonstration as well. The first risk you can get in doing a remontrance is to feel a great frustration as no certain dates will be provided by you. Please kindly share if you have it. My B1 language course in Germany will be on January 15, 2016. I assumed you did a clarification first? Good luck with your appeal and hope it will give a postive result. hahaha! 2- We have sponsorship letter from a company in Germany. Please provide the response ASAP. It was mentioned in German Language (Die vorgelegten informationen uber den zweck und die bedingungen des beabsichtigten Aufenthalts waren nicht glaubhaft) and also in English (the embassy does not hold that you have convinced it that you are going to Germnay for the purpose stated in your application). Do I need to resched the said Interview for prepration purposes? your sponsor, can only be accepted and processed if you have given your sponsor a power of attorney, which is submitted with the remonstration). Thank you so much for the article This process is definitely legal and free, and I can tell the best one. i am jen, your article is very helpful. as i remember i have all the documents my rootedness and everything. Seriously??? Please read my earlier content as the motivation letter is not convincing…. Approved Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site. pede naman mag apply again ng visa right? Looking forward for your response . Please give me an advice for remonstrance or re apply or can any friend in Europe help me as sponsor. By then, they should be the one who can guide you. -letter of exemption from studies I did remonsration letteron 27 April but reply yet. she’s also my sponsor but I dont know why I got the refusal. Many thanks for the help and kind words. Nakakaloka. I will try to answer your queries point by point . We should not get badly affected with the people who treated us badly during application but let them believe that we deserve to travel. First, you do not need to pay again if you file for a remonstrance. It was really frustrating. Haha I don’t know their email adress how can I send them through emails?? What do you think can I apply again now ? And now i am writing my remonstration letter to the embassy. Please see our full disclaimer page for more information. I think we Europeans forget how lucky we are that we can travel without any visas in EU. Hehe. Please take note the reason of your refusal and think how to furnish it as it might also affect your application to another Embassy. Im really hoping that Im not waiting for NOTHING. hi im pratty from philippines. How long does it take to get a decision? I suggest that you stress the point of your rejection before since it was the problem why you were denied. Or just directly send an appeal letter? please help me.. thank you and god bless…, Hi Jen! My sister got her Schengen visa from French embassy. #DreamEuropeTrip is coming on your way. From January 1, 2020, the presumed annual requirement that a student needs to pay in a blocked account has increased to 10,236 Euros. I quit my corporate job and just focused on being a Virtual Admin Assistant so I can still work while I travel and so I can look after my 7 year old daughter since I’m a single mother. its my first time to apply for german tourist visa application and it got denied when i received it last sept 12,2019. National Visa (for more than 90 days). Hoping for your response . I just want to know after sending the email how long is the normal time to get the email back from embassy. “your intention to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry pf the visa could not be ascertained”, ” Especially for people like me who has a boyfriend in there, they might be suspicious in essence. Do not think you will be denied. Making an appeal is an opportunity not only having a possibility to get a new decision but as well as having a chance to prove that every applicant has a genuine motive and thus complied with all necessary documents. T__T haha, and I haven’t seen my Ate in person for almost a decade! I have some sidelines like helping in my partner’s business, back office support and accounting, but I am not officially employed. If not, I guess it can take longer. Anything that shows you have a responsibility in your home country. The lady just asked the new date of my departure and suggested just to pick up my passport personally because of the holiday on the 19th. Check what could be wrong so you can be ready in your next application and get that visa! , thanks for this postive blog! Is it good to wait for three months and reapply or it will be better to appeal. i just received my refusal letter today fem German Embassy, the reason is about number 9, it is my first time to apply for a schengen visa, i am currently unemployed but i have a job offer from BDO, but i only have the list of requirement as a proof of my job offer, my main reason is visiting my cousin in Frankfurt, what supporting documents can i provide?i am thinking on which way will be fast should i write an hand written appeal and send it to the embassy? File a fresh application if and only if you are sure about showing evidence against the reasons you were rejected for the first time. X. Okay, Asif Asif. The success rate depends on many factors such as your education, your work experience (IT or non IT field), German language proficiency etc. What it means? . I DECIDED TO RESIGN BECAUSE I KNOW I WONT BE GIVEN AN APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE SINCE I ONLY WORKED THERE FOR ALMOST 5 MONTHS ONLY. Better check it with your embassy. . I got refusal letter along with my passport on 10 Nov. 2019 with reason Or I will send again…. My employment visa to Malta got rejected ,stating last two reasons that i wouldn’t come back to my home country ,but as of I got issued a permit to work in Malta and had all the contract papers that was required to prove that I was solely going for the purpose of employment .My contract denotes 2yrs of validity and my company have sent me all the contract papers,accommodation proof ,insurance I got it on my own .but they stated such reason like I m going for employment how will I make them believe that I am going to work there and will leave the territory before the expiry of my visa ,I was thinking of filling an appeal ,On which grounds and what documents should I provide to convince them as I am not going for a travelling purpose . I would love to visit East Side Gallery as I am a huge fan of street art and being nicknamed ‘freedom wall’ is a bonus in my books. Hi Stephanie. He was the one who sponsored me and its my second time getting a visa, first was granted and second one was refused. Did you receive any email from the Embassy? Please give me some thoughts, and answer to my question, thank you very much! No, Alyanna. My name is Huseyin and I’m from Turkey, recently I’ve applied twice for a German Visa (Schengen- Business Visa) from Dubai. Just present something that can explain what are you doing now in the Philippines. , Indeed! Thanks! I really hope I can get a reply from you. I am just really wanted to visit my boyfriend, his family and friends. Thanks alot Miss Jessica. Do not add disclosures/sponsored tags. “I was too confident.” That’s the greatest realization that slapped my face when I received my passport without the stamped of Schengen Visa from the German Embassy. I never expected this from German embassy. Exually I also not undertand what was wrong with this. Frankly I was offended because I felt like they just had a glimpse of our nationality “Filipino” and disregarded the supporting documents, then end up with the decision for refusal. Try to call as well the Embassy if you are allowed to make a new application. I just made a Remonstration Letter just now. Sana matulungan mo ako regarding sa pag aapply ng schengen visa, yo visit my sister in Germany she worked there as an aupair and her employer willing po to send here such documents needed like invitation letter, and bank statements to show her employer have enough to sustain while I’m staying there.jobless po ako and I’m concerned the requirements in no.7 about the rootedness. Dear Jessica, What do you think could be the reason for the long time (1 month) it is taking them to process my visa? Hi! Good luck! Hi, I have sent a remonstration letter via email. Thank you so much for your blog and valuable comments which has helped me to get this.. Now have to just get my tickets issued and I will fly to germany.. truly happy for you, Shan! I had the same issue and i wrote a remonstration letter and backed it up with documents to show i have ties to my country like providing proof of a Landed property, if married then a marriage certificate, proof of being self employed. The supporting reason answered that: “Your purpose of the stay was not substantiated by the documents presented.”. I have been reading lots of comments here that there was no reply since months. We really appreciate it especially to us who are newbies to this Visa application challenge. They kept using my ‘single’ status against me despite of presenting my financial condition which was sound enough. My question: is SHOW MONEY by the sponsor and return ticket not enough? I am planning to apply visit visa for Netherlands to meet my friend’s son birthday. But my sister who’s single got refused when she applied alone. Do you it will be helpful in any way if two separate appeals are sent to the embassy for the same purpose? and if u have formal obligation i think u don’t need hotel reservation because u will be staying in his place and that all ur expenses will be covered by him. -Proof of Enrolment You have not submitted the documents required to verify their rooting in Nigeria, which are required by the visa procedure. How can I do that? I was thinking na, maybe because it was Friday and I submitted the email around 7 PM which is hindi na office hours. So I applied to travel with him because I will be on leave that period but my visa was rejected because of incomplete documentation and that they are not sure of funding of my stay during my 5weeks duration. I thought that German embassy is the friendliest embassy so far( tho I have UK, Canadian and US visa). If you have low scores on your respective language proficiency tests, your visa will be rejected. I got all your points and I also do not know what else is lacking, honestly. WE WERE ADVISED TO FILE AN APPEAL IN BERLIN AND FOR A TOURIST VISA, IT WOULD BE DRASTIC FOR AN APPEAL.. Hi I just want to ask if can I apply again after my visa rejected? If this trip will be shouldered fully by you, then prepare a reservation for your accommodation. Hello jessica i just want to share my experience yesterday in german embassy . Hi miss Jessica, Thank you for your reply Jessica. Non-EU citizens need a visa or residence permit to take up employment. They said like I will be getting an email.They didnt collect my passport, Is it like rejection or what? power of love este power of attorney daw. So i was thinking what went wrong? and Thanks again . There goes a saying that life always gives a second chance, so do not get disappointed even if on the first instance the visa gets rejected. Thank you, Jessica! (this blog is very helpful. Hahaha, Even it’s 1%, keep believing! Received the refusal letter today and it says that “Sufficient justification for the purpose and circumstances of the intended stay was not provided. is this still a denial? So seeing l think l can appeal. Hi Jessica, Can I also stress that point in my remonstrance letter? Do you think I will get denied again and this time because of not submitting the ITR? No exact weeks on how long it will take. Sooooo happy for you! Indeed, the B-Type visa is the most popular US non-immigrant visa (NIV). b. -FAMILY TIES > Is it asking for Philippines or Saudi family ties? documents :Confirmation of the language course, Registration with the language course, Curriculum Vitae with the Motivational letter, Proof of reservation ticket, Formal Obligation, Travel health insurance and a Certification from our university saying that I am a student of that school with the degree of Business Administration last school year. 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